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Holiday Club Booking

  >    >  Holiday Club Booking

In order to book a place for the holiday club please complete the booking form below, you will then receive a confirmation email with instructions of the next steps to secure your booking. Please note spaces are limited so your space is not confirmed until you receive the confirmation email (within 48 hours)

Current Availability:

30th July – Full booked

31st July – Full booked

1st August – Full booked

6th August- Spaces available

7th August – Spaces available

8th August – Spaces available

13th August –Spaces available

14th August –Spaces available

15th August –Spaces available

20th August –Spaces available

21st August –Spaces available

22nd August –Spaces available

Once you booking has been received you will be added onto a database named Famly, we need your permission to do this. This platform is so you can enter important information we need about your child and will allow us to contact you nearer the time with any further information.

    This year we are planning on taking the holiday club off the premises and heading to the beach and local parks during some sessions. Please give your permission for you child to be involved in these activities, weather permitting of course!

    In order to book a place we require your permission to be added to our database, this is used for you to upload information we require about your child and to contact you with any details of the event.